Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Got Extra Tooth

Everyday, I encounter different cases in my clinic. It could be a disease or an abnormality. Sometimes I encounter less number of teeth in a patient, but oftentimes, with extra teeth. 
There's nothing wrong with an extra tooth if it does not affect the aesthetics. But some of them causes crowding and malocclusion. I had this case few months ago, 12 year old boy with an extra front tooth, this is called MESIODENS. 

mesiodens /me·sio·dens/ (me´ze-o-dens) pl. mesioden´tes   a small supernumerary tooth, occurring singly or paired, generally palatally between the maxillary central incisors. (Source: Free Online Medical Dictionary)

Treatment Plan:
  • Extraction of Mesiodens
  • Closure of space caused by mesiodens and alignment of teeth by a fixed orthodontic treatment

Upper braces installed

Space closure by elastics

Space closed, leveling process ongoing

I'm now on the process of correcting the alignment of both the upper and lower teeth. I'm still on the first stage of treatment to this patient. I'll be posting the development soon.


  1. how long did it take to correct it?

    1. hi!almost 7 months for leveling, but still working on the case for stabilization...

    2. what is tthe cost of tthis treatment and the any age limit/ prefference age grp? Thank you SO much for your reply! :D

  2. I have the same teeth as this kid as well., and it kind of disturb me sometime when it comes to smiling.. So how long will the process success and how much the cost.? Can you please tell me the information. Thank you

  3. Is there is another method of recovery without braces??
